Monday, April 5, 2010

Winter in BC

How beautiful the snow is
I sit in my living room and gaze out of the window
Watching the snow flakes falling
Heavy now
But each individual flake looks fluffy and pure
And falls on top of another
To create, how many feet, I wonder, today?

My driveway and the front garden
Are once again hidden by pure white snow
Just a couple of small patches of green
Underneath my graceful fir trees
Their branches, tipped with snow too
Like beautiful girls wearing green dresses
Dressed with white fur and diamonds of ice
Sparkling on their outer branches

It's so quiet when it snows
A hush falls over the entire area
The sky is white, just a hint of where the sun is
Trying to shine through

Still falling, falling
Casting its blanket of pure white snow

I gaze out of the window and am in awe
At the beauty of this place and this season

Thank you, God, for bringing me here
To this beautiful, peaceful place

I love it here.

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